Friday, June 26, 2009

Gearing up for "September..."

    This is my favorite The Sartorialist shot ever. I love it on so many levels. Don't you?

    God knows I am no fashion plate. When I was younger I might have worried about it and gotten anxious over it, but now I'm happy to wear what I know suits me, what I feel comfortable in, and what makes me feel like I look nice. And nice is all I need. This may sound like a cop out, but check out this quote from the most stylish blogger in the world, The Sartorialist:

    "One of the tricky parts of shooting a fashion blog is the temptation to always be looking for fashion with a capital 'F.'
    Although I do shoot that a lot, especially at the shows, when I am "on the street" I shoot with a slightly different eye.
    When I am in a neighborhood I'm not looking for the "next big trend" or a ground-breaking style statement, but just reacting when I see a person and thinking to myself "he/she looks nice."

    He goes on to say that "'Looking nice' is truly underrated" and that he notices those that reflect that quality even if it's: "Not groundbreaking, not earth shattering, but in its own way, a very glamorous way to live a simply nice life."

    Of course, I still really want to see this movie even if it results in me hating every single "nice" thing I own...

    discovered on being red
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