Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vivi's Tea

    As we all know, Miss. Vivi is getting hitched- this very autumn in fact- so all of the stress and all the festivity that goes along with that has commenced. I thought I would share a bit of the hoopla part (not the stress part...too many curse words) right here.
    This August Vivi's sister and I threw her a little outdoor tea party. It had the pretty china, tasty finger sandwiches, and even some bubbly. The day was, thankfully, so beautiful- blue skies and drama-free. I love when the mix of family and friends from all parts of a person's life come together. It was an afternoon to celebrate Vivi and how important she is to all of us.

    The thing about a wedding is, the planning stress can sometimes trample on the excitement. It is important to remember that no matter the craziness that surrounds putting together a ceremony and reception, the end result is two very happy people.
    Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2010/09/vivi-tea.html
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