Sunday, October 3, 2010

Almost Daily Fraggle Rock Quotations: Week 1

    Hi folks! Lisa the Intern here with a new weekly segment for you. See, I have this chalkboard in my apartment, and almost every day I put up a new quotation from Fraggle Rock. As a sort of challenge to myself, I've decided to use one quotation from each episode, going in order. But what's the point of putting up all these lovely quotations if I don't have anyone to share them with? Ryan has been generous enough to let me share them here on the Muppet Mindset as a Sunday feature. And so I introduce to you Almost Daily Fraggle Rock Quotations!

    Beginnings: "Every day the world begins again, sunny skies or rain. Come and follow me..." --Uncle Traveling Matt

    Wembley and the Gorgs: "I'm always here, I'm never there. I'm never ever anywhere, excepting here, 'cause here is where I'm in." --Wembley Fraggle

    Let the Water Run: "One more minor adjustment--pass me that sledgehammer." --Doc

    You Can't Do That Without a Hat: "If there's one thing I've learned in this bizarre world, it's that treasures come, and treasures go." --Uncle Traveling Matt

    The 30 Minute Work Week: "Tedium and drudgery are good for the soul!" --Boober Fraggle

    And there you have it! Sometimes funny, sometimes inspiring, but always helping me through the day. Can you guess which one was up when my apartment was shown for next year's potential renters? 

    The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier
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