Saturday, July 9, 2011

100 Celebrities Hanging Out With Elmo

    A few days ago, posted a new article called "100 Celebrities Hanging Out With Elmo" which was simply just an alphabetical list of pictures and videos featuring Elmo and some of his most famous celebrity pals. It's really amazing to think about all of the famous people Elmo has had the opportunity to interact with over the years. The little guy has only really been prominent for about 20 years and already there are over 100 celebrities he has hung around with. I'm 20 too and the only celebrities I've met are Muppet performers--but, let's face it, I was more excited to meet them than I would have been to meet any celebrities on this list.

    But anyway... I thought the BuzzFeed article was a lot of fun and needed to be shared... so that's what I'm doing! Here are some of my favorite images from the article... for all 100 celebrities with Elmo, be sure to check out the article above!

    Jessica Alba

    Ray Charles

     Bill Cosby

    Jimmy Fallon

     Neil Patrick Harris

    Yo-Yo Ma
    Al Roker

    Jon Stewart
    Oprah Whinfrey

     Betty White

    The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier,
    Source URL:
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