Sunday, August 23, 2009

"Let me tell you this, the older you do get the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N."

    I've been tagged by This Wheel's on Fire! And also The Mod Revival! Enjoy.

    What is your current obsession?
     Revisiting old music to appease the music obsessions I don't have. Twirling my hair and pulling it back. In my mind, I have another wave of Neil Young obsession approaching, but as my speakers are broken, I haven't been able to put Everybody Knows This is Nowhere on the turntable. I also like the intense amount of photos of Neil Young and dogs. Revival movie theatres.

    What is your horoscope and do you relate? I'm a Capricorn, and I feel it's quite on the ball. I'm intrigued by astrology, but it's something that should be taken lightly.

    What are you wearing today? A plaid Vera Wang dress.

    What is the last thing you bought? In and Out yesterday! For those who don't know, In and Out is a fast food joint, but it's only in a few states. It's a gem, and my father is the only person I know who doesn't love it. As I'm a vegetarian, I had a grilled cheese (a hamburger sans meat) with grilled onions and animal fries. The dudes working said my friend and I looked 'amazing' and gave us a free drink. Thanks dudes at In and Out!

    What do you think about the person who tagged you? First off, I feel honored that I know her name, as it popped up in my email when she sent me her completed Blogs j'adore questionnaire. Other than that, she's wonderfully friendly, encouraging, and has magnificent taste! And he is incredibly kind and fashion-savvy! Their blogs are terrific, and I recommend them to all.

    What’s for dinner? That has yet to be decided. I had a bag of hot cheeto puffs for breakfast, so hopefully something a little more nutritious.

    What’s your favorite decade, fashion wise? I'm stealing her answer, and going with '65-'75. But I'll also steal a little glamour from the 40's, and the chicness of the 20's.

    What are your must haves for summer? Accessories to tie your hair back with, itty bitty dresses, shorts and tee shirts, aloe vera for all the bug bites! Also, when all others are employing flip flops and flats, I'm going with heels because short dresses with heels is the sexiest combination.

    What would you love to be able to afford? I would love to travel endlessly, aimlessly, wildly. I would love to see more concerts. I would love to live in a new, more exciting location. I would love to buy a truck load of records.

    What is your favorite piece of clothing from your own wardrobe? I have a billowing maxi dress that just about grazes the floor. It's a magnificent blend of blue and green, with different patterns swirled in. I also have a fuzzy leopard-print coat, and I can't wait to bring it out again during the fall and winter.

    What is your dream job? A music journalist; does it show?

    What’s your favorite magazine? I don't read any magazine consistently. Occasionally, I'll sit down at the book store and devour a handful of magazines. Rolling Stone is almost always in that pile. Oh! Actually, if I can choose a magazine in it's heyday, then Rolling Stone absolutely wins. Their vintage interviews are the best.

    What do you consider a fashion faux pas? Being uncomfortable. It's possible to look cute and feel cute, try it out. Feeling good is the best accessory!

    Describe your personal style? My style is difficult to categorize. It's always different, but always very much a me outfit. To try to explain, I guess I could say the simplicity of Jane Birkin, the insanity of Anita Pallenberg, and the cleanness of Audrey Hepburn.

    Which Beatle is your favorite? I think a person's favorite Beatles speaks volumes about them. George will always be my favorite, and when a person agrees, I'm basically sold on their personality. The John's, Paul's, and Ringo's have to work a little bit harder.

    What are your proud of? I'm proud of the person I am. Through all the madness, I've managed to come out all right, and I'm thankful for that.

    And now I'll give this to: Anyone who wants to do it! It's fun and I'm curious. Let me know if you do it!
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