Friday, September 25, 2009

Camera Crazy

    In October 2007, I started reading my first blog and after a few entries, I was hooked. Camera Crazy is the blog of a friend of mine, Gail Peck. She dubs herself a fledgling photographer (the journey started almost 3 Christmases ago when her husband gave her a camera) and I have been reading along as she hones her craft and shares her art.

    It is especially interesting to be privy to an artist's process. I so enjoy reading about what it takes to get the shot she is happy with and how she comes across her very varied subject matter. In addition, Gail writes about her photography business and the up and downs of turning your passion into a career. Of course, I also love that her blog is filled with words of wisdom that go beyond photography and I'm always taking note!

    I wish I possessed the vocabulary to truly discuss photography. It would be wonderful to pay my compliments properly, but I'll have to muddle through using layman's terms. When I see Gail's work, I'm always moved, intrigued, or impressed... very often, all three. There is something about how she can capture a moment or angle, how she grasps the fleeting- always uncovering the beauty.

    Gail once wrote she is striving to make the ordinary extraordinary- I would say, mission accomplished. Here are just some of her incredible images....

    Morning Has Broken


    Mr. Baxter

    Field of Joy



    Color Fest

    Ain't No Sunshine

    35 Years Together

    I suggest making a stop by Camera Crazy whenever you are in the mood for stunning photography. Gail never disappoints.

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