Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm homeeee.

    Back in LA! The glowing lights of the city are always endearing and comforting when I return from elsewhere. I dislike LA more often than not, but its home, and there is nowhere I'd rather originate from. It was mayhem at Heathrow. I took a taxi (fixed rate, THANK GOODNESS) to the airport, only to find my flight had been delayed for six hours due to mechanical difficulties. After playing music from my headphones really loud, so others could hear, as to say 'I hate everything right now', I decided to head back to my temporary homebase. The taxi driver had no idea where he was going, and obviously I didn't either. We got lost, as did my voice, but I did get back. I napped for a couple hours because I was so frazzled, and woke up feeling a lot better. With hardly any money left to my name, I managed to get another fixed rate cab and went back to Heathrow. I quickly got a free lunch (vouchers because of the delay!) and walked to the gate. I was stared at by this absurd Peter Sellers looking man who made me uncomfortable. I proceeded to play music, probably Led Zeppelin, really loud. I hope they all heard.

    Even though I slept for most of it, the plane ride seemed ridiculously long. I thought I was never going to get back home, and I strangely longed for my room. Leaving London was a bittersweet sensation, but I know I will be back.

    Anyway, between all that and my last post, quite a bit went on. I visited the Tate and was overwhelmed by the intense beauty of the Pre-Raphaelites. I lapped up each of the two Pre-Raphaelite rooms, and nearly salivated over the works of Waterhouse, Burne-Jones, Millais, Holman Hunt, and Rossetti. The 'modern art' was laughable (I hate modern art), and I decided the Eighties were good to basically no one. I also visited Camden Town, where I haggled with obnoxious male vendors. I scored another dress though, so I left happy. I also went to Portobello Road, but shops were beginning to close and nothing caught my eye. Overall, I made the best of my trip to London and I'm ecstatic that I got the opportunity to go. When I don't feel like keeling over with exhausted, I will go into greater detail on the entire trip, and include photos! (Only so many. I'm terrible at remembering to take photos.) But for now, I'm too damn tired to comprehend anything. I got some In 'n' Out, called my dad and my brother, and am now about ready to collapse. Tomorrow is back to normalcy, which is fine for now. I just need to get back on California time. Goodnight!

    But oh, I met Jimmy Page.Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2009/11/i-homeeee.html
    Visit Jim Henson for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

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