Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nickolas Muray

    I love a good discovery! On the always fun blog, KRISATOMIC, I found and fell in love with the photograph at the top of this post. I just adore the crispness of color, the composition, the slight furrow in the sleeping girl's brow. Turns out that the photographer, Nickolas Muray, was one of the first major commercial photographers and master of using color.

    There's a little bit of a Norman Rockwell feel to Muray's work, but that actually appeals to me because a lot of his images also have a sense of humor about them and are so beautifully composed and lit (plus, I'll admit it, I kinda a sucker for Mr. Rockwell too).

    Below are a few of my favorite images that Muray took in the 1930s and 40s (these are part of the George Eastman House archive).

    Turns out that Muray also had a long term relationship with Frida Kahlo and took gorgeous pictures of her that also captured his talent and love of color. Aren't these lovely?

    Nickolas Muray'a photographs of Frida Kahlo via Smith Kramer Traveling Exhibitions
    Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2009/11/nickolas-muray.html
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