Saturday, May 8, 2010

M is for...

    Love to all the moms out there this weekend especially to the ones I love most - my own as well as my fellow bloggers, Lorelei and Mae! In honor of your day - here's a little round-up of some beautiful mom-centric illustrations just for you...

    By the way, love the shades of red and oranges and yellows in these (especially when cooled with touches of blue or brown):

    via judibird (animal mothers count too!)

    In terms of the next 3, I've got to point out how surprising similar these seemingly very different images are in color (green and a red maroon), composition, and just general sweetness:

    And here's a really beautiful poem by Hope Anita Smith from her really beautiful collection, "Mother Poems," that will make you want to call your mother today:

    Q and A

    I never thought to ask my mother
    what I was like when I was a baby.
    Did I laugh a lot?
    Was I fussy?
    Did I have a favorite toy?
    What was my first word?
    When did I roll over? Crawl? Walk?
    Did I ever like carrots?
    Mothers give us our stories,
    at least the beginning.
    My mother left before she got a chance to
    give me mine,
    and I forgot to ask.
    God should have made me smarter.
    I am remembering less and less about my mother
    and wanting to know more and more about me.

    {poem found here}Source URL:
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