Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nearly wordless and quite perfect

    Shadow by Suzy Lee was named one of the NYTimes Best Illustrated Books of 2010. It is a wonder -capturing a child's perspective on the world in a fascinating nearly wordless, almost monochromatic, series of double-paged spreads that break free from the pages of the book that contains them.

    Lee's depiction of a girl playing in her family's storage space is all about the world that unfolds when the light bulb is clicked on, illuminating the space and her imagination. The shadows the girl creates soon take on a life of their own and when they travel across the pages' borders the reader realizes there are many stories happening here. The book lends itself to being twisted and turned and "read" from all different angles.

    Ms. Lee should be applauded for her ability to portray a child's play in all of its fascinating detail and excitement.

    Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2011/01/nearly-wordless-and-quite-perfect.html
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