Sunday, July 31, 2011

(Kind of) Weekly Muppet Quotes Spotlight - Gonzo and Rizzo

    Casey Daron - Hello, and welcome again to (Kind of) Weekly Muppet Quotes! This week's bunch of quotes will be spotlighting both Rizzo the Rat and Gonzo the Great. These two are best pals, and are always making any Muppet movie funny. What would the Muppets be without Gonzo and Rizzo?

    "He died?! And this is supposed to be a kids movie!"
    ~ Rizzo the Rat, Muppet Treasure Island

    "Gonzo, I sold my collection of rare cheese to buy you this crystal petri-dish for your mold collection."
    "Oh, gee, Rizzo. I sold my mold collection to buy you this diamond-tipped cheese slicer."
    "Did you save the receipt?"
    ~ Rizzo and Gonzo, It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie

    "Hey Rizzo, come here! I think my Captain Alphabet is sending me a message!"
    "Yeah, I know what you mean. I had some guacamole last night, and it’s still talking to me."
    ~ Gonzo and Rizzo, Muppets From Space

    "What’s wrong?"
    "It just feels so weird."
    "That Mr. Arrow’s dead"
    "Yeah, that... and my pants are filled with starfish."
    "You and your hobbies!"
    ~ Gonzo and Rizzo, Muppet Treasure Island

    "Hello, welcome to the Muppet Christmas Carol! I am here to tell the story."
    "And I am here for the food!"
    ~ Gonzo and Rizzo, The Muppet Christmas Carol

    The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier, Source URL:
    Visit Jim Henson for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
Friday, July 29, 2011

Andrew Bird is Feeling a Little Green

    With the way that Walt Disney Records is releasing first-listens to songs from the upcoming The Muppets: The Green Album, we'll have heard the entire CD before its August 23rd release date. We've heard "The Muppet Show Theme" by OK Go (which was quickly removed from the internet), Amy Lee's "Halfway Down the Stairs" (ditto), "Our World" from Emmett Otter's Jug-Band Christmas by My Morning Jacket (which is still around), and now, thanks to, we can hear Andrew Bird's cover of "Bein' Green."

    Be sure to click the link below and give a listen to Bird's fantastic cover of the Kermit classic:

    Andrew Bird's "Bein' Green"

    The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier, ryguy102390@gmail.comSource URL:
    Visit Jim Henson for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Summer, I am so over you...

    There is not a single part of me that wants to be outside anymore. Pull the curtains, crank up the air conditioning, bring me a hot tea - I want to stay indoors and pretend it's October.  I've never been a summer person, but this year I'm really over it. You could blame the multiple days of over 100 degree temperature or the fact that I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy, but whatever it is I am seriously hating summer right now. And knowing I'm not the only one makes me feel so much better....

    ''I enjoy being indoors. I enjoy laying on couches, snacking, and reading (watching TV). Summer sucks because it is the only season when, if I want to do this in the middle of a gorgeous day, people (my children) look at me like I'm a disgusting person. Well, guess what? It's 90 degrees out there, it's 68 degrees in here, and this episode of The Bachelorette isn't going to watch itself.'' 
    Adam Scott
    Parks and Recreation

    ''The heat makes me lethargic, so goodbye gym, goodbye waking up before noon, goodbye enthusiasm for anything. But I'd have to say the worst part of summer is swampy Spanx.'' 
    Whitney Cummings

    ''The reason I think summer is terrible: I'm British. As a people, we cannot handle even the most moderate heat, either physically or emotionally. We were brought up believing that summer is for French people, with their outdoor lunches, sunglasses, and crunchy vegetables.'' John Oliver
    The Daily Show
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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Interview with Muppeteer Michael Earl

    Interview with Michael Earl
    Conducted by Ryan Dosier

    RYAN:   Welcome to The Muppet Mindset, Michael. Thanks a bunch for sitting down to talk with us.

    MICHAEL:   It’s my pleasure.

    RYAN:   We can read all about your entrance into the world of Muppeteering on Muppet Wiki or your interview on ToughPigs, but I’d like to know how it feels to be a part of such big parts of Muppet history with your roles in The Muppet Movie and the golden age of Sesame Street.

    MICHAEL:   It feels humbling.  I was very fortunate to have had such an amazing opportunity, and at such an early age (19).  Who knew that as I watched Sesame Street at age 10 that I’d be on it in nine short years.  Yeah, it was pretty exciting!

    RYAN:   You originated the Sesame Street character of Forgetful Jones. What do you think was the most important aspect of that character?

    MICHAEL:   He was forgetful and kids forget things.  That’s why he was created. 

    RYAN:   You also took over the role of Mr. Snuffleupagus from Jerry Nelson in the late 70’s. What was it like to have to make the character your own after Jerry’s characterization? Did you work more on imitating Jerry’s portrayal or making Snuffy yours?

    MICHAEL:   It was intimidating.  I worked very hard on keeping the character like Jerry’s.  I felt it important that there was a consistency to the character...especially for the kids watching.  After awhile, I felt very comfortable in the character and added my own touches.

    RYAN:   How was it to play off of Caroll Spinney’s Big Bird while within the enormous Snuffleupagus puppet?

    MICHAEL:   Caroll is a very giving performer…and person.  He had been Big Bird for so long that it came naturally to him.  I had to work a little harder.  At that point, Jim Henson’s puppets wee still evolving and were not as refined as they are today. The inside of the Snuffy was a little uncomfortable at the time.  But we had lots of fun acting out the scenes.

    RYAN:   Who were some of your favorite fellow Muppeteers to play off of when you worked on Sesame Street?

    MICHAEL:   Brian Muehl and I were a good team.  We did a lot of work together. In fact, Jim put us in a room with a camera and monitor the summer we were to start working on Sesame Street.  We were to practice and get better since we both were new.  I taught Brian what I knew about puppetry, and he taught me about acting.  We got some old Bob and Ray scripts from the New York Library and adapted them for Muppets.  We taped them and Jim took the tape home to show to his family.  Years later on the set of Dinosaurs, I asked Brian Henson if he remembered watching that tape as a teen.  He said he did.  I also enjoyed working with Jim, Frank, Jerry, Caroll and Richard, each one was very helpful to me.

    RYAN:   At one point you took over Slimey the Worm from Jerry Nelson as well, meaning you performed Snuffy, the largest character on the Street, and Slimey, the smallest. Was this a difficult thing to do or did you appreciate the challenge?

    MICHAEL:   No it wasn’t difficult.  Being a puppeteer is basically acting.  You’re just doing it through your hands, or in the case of Snuffy, through your whole body.  I got another chance to perform a body puppet for DreamWorks when I was cast as a motion-capture Shrek for a test film for the movie.  My Snuffy experience paid off.

    RYAN:   Eventually you made your exit from Sesame Street as a featured performer. Did this come about from the return of performers from London after The Muppet Show ended? Or was there more to it than that?

    MICHAEL:   Yes, they were returning, but there’s more to it than that which I talked about in my ToughPigs interview.  It was time to move on.  I had other goals at that time and my leaving after three seasons was for the best.

    RYAN:   Was it, or is it still, difficult to see characters you performed such as Snuffy, Forgetful Jones, and others be performed by other Muppeteers such as Martin Robinson and Richard Hunt?

    MICHAEL:   When you put so much of yourself into a character, it becomes hard to see them taking a different direction.   But I understand that each puppeteer has their own way of doing things.

    RYAN:   Did you or do you have a personal relationship with either Robinson or Hunt?

    MICHAEL:   I didn’t meet Marty till we both were hired onto The Muppets Take Manhattan.  A few years later we both booked an M&M commercial (voice-over) and had a blast working together on that.  He also invited me to the Sesame Street set one day after we worked on the Wildlife PSA’s.  And Richard and I had a nice friendship over the years.  He was the Muppeteer who came to Sesame Street most often, so I have many fond memories of Richard.  We met on the set of The Muppet Movie.  He was older and always wore nice sports shirts.  Because of him, I began wearing sports shirts with jeans. 

    RYAN:   After Sesame Street did you still do some freelancing work for the Muppets?

    MICHAEL:   Yes, I did Little Muppet Monsters, some wildlife PSA’s, a Target commercial and Dinosaurs.

    RYAN:   What was your main career focus after Sesame Street?

    MICHAEL:   My main focus right after Sesame Street was acting.  The year after leaving Sesame Street I was a principal in 4 national commercials.  Then I moved to LA and began giving concerts for families, traveling around the country.  It was sort of like Barry Manilow meets Shari Lewis, my concert act, which combined original songs, singing, storytelling and puppetry.  Later I worked for Bob Baker Marionettes and worked on filling out my puppetry resume, working for Sid and Marty Krofft, and on Team America: World Police.  Along the way I was also a puppetry consultant for Universal and Disney.

    RYAN:   And now you have an exciting new project involving puppetry in New York and Los Angeles. Can you tell us about this?

    MICHAEL:   It’s called Puppet School – Where imagination and creativity meet!  It’s a fun place that I started with my friend and business partner, Roberto Ferreira, one year ago.  We began by renting a casting studio for me to teach in.  Then we moved to our own space across the street in Sherman Oaks, CA, and expended our offices 4 months ago.  We added two more teachers: Christian Anderson who was on Broadway and on tour for four years with Avenue Q; and Derek Lux, who teaches a Professional Puppet Making class at Puppet School.  And we are training our first teacher in New York, Scott Biski.

    RYAN:   What are your main goals with Puppet School? Do you see it expanding across the country?

    MICHAEL:   Every day after class, the students go home with a big smile.  That’s my goal.  And of course to perpetuate the spread of puppetry.  We have so far taught classes in New York City, Seattle and LA.  And yes, we see it expanding to other cities across the US as the word gets out.

    RYAN:   How can those of us interested get involved with Puppet School?

    MICHAEL:   As it happens, we have new classes starting in New York August 13th and 14th.  So if you’re on the east coast, come join us!  Also we have Seattle classes happening on September 10th and 11th.  And if you want to join our mailing list to keep informed on classes and events, go to and fill in the form. 

    RYAN:   Are you still a Muppet fan? Excited for The Muppets movie this fall?

    MICHAEL:   Oh, yes, still a Muppet fan.  I will see everything they produce.  Puppet School is planning on taking a NY and LA field trip to the new Muppet Movie in November, where students and friends can come to the movie with puppets!

    RYAN:   Michael, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Are there any final words or thoughts you’d like to leave us with?

    MICHAEL:   Jim Henson used to say: “My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here.”  And that’s what Puppet School is doing; spreading the love of puppetry!

    The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier, ryguy102390@gmail.comSource URL:
    Visit Jim Henson for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

NEW Poster for "The Muppets" and Theater Standee Revealed!

    So... just as I was sitting down to force myself to write today's Weekly Muppet Wednesday post, the Muppet powers that be took it upon themselves to reveal yet another theatrical poster for The Muppets thanks to and This one appears to be the official, finalized film poster complete with credits at the bottom and Jason Segel, Amy Adams, and Chris Cooper all listed at the top. What are you listening to me for? LOOK! (Click on it to view in hi-resolution.)

    Look at all those Muppets! It's time for everyone's favorite game--Spot the Muppets! Starting from the top and going left to right... Green Frackle, Zoot, Sweetums, Swedish Chef, Rowlf, Cactus, Chicken 1, Thog, Crazy Harry, Dr. Teeth, Statler, Waldorf, Chicken 2, Chicken 3, Gonzo, 80's Robot, Miss Piggy, Kermit, Animal, Fozzie Bear, Pepe the King Prawn, Behemoth, Rat 1, Janice, Scooter, Miss Poogy, Bunny, Penguin 1, Beaker, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Snowth 1, Snowth 2, Rizzo the Rat, Sam Eagle, Walter, Penguin 2 and Lew Zealand! Holy... Moly.

    As if that weren't enough, we also get a hi-resolution look at the theater standee for The Muppets. Ever since the movie was announced, I've been waiting to see what the huge, Disney-rific theater standee would look like on display in local theaters, proudly showing off Kermit and Piggy and Fozzie and 80's Robot just like you surely see theaters proudly displaying Harry Potter and the Green Lantern now. Well... here it is in all its awesome glory! (Click to see it in hi-resolution.)

    Spot the Muppets? Sure, why not. From left to right... Kermit Moopet, Rat 1, Rat 2, Sweetums, Link Hogthrob, Blue Frog, Green Frackle, Lew Zealand, Whatnot 1, Camilla the Chicken, Gonzo the Great, Statler, Waldorf, Whatnot 2, Whatnot 3, Scooter, Animal, Swedish Chef, Rizzo the Rat, Sam Eagle, Gorilla 1, Gorilla 2, Penguin 1, Penguin 2, Beaker, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, Thog, Snowth 1, Fozzie Bear, Snowth 2, Miss Poogy, Floyd Pepper, Crazy Harry, Dr. Teeth, Janice, Miss Piggy, Pepe the King Prawn, Chicken, Walter, Kermit the Frog, 80's Robot, Rowlf the Dog, Zoot. WOW.

    Both of these have more Muppets than I even expected to see in the movie (before the trailers started coming out, that is). It's so interesting to note the prominence of Pepe and Rizzo in both the poster and the standee when they just barely appeared in one trailer. That's very exciting and hints that their roles in the film might be larger than we think. I really don't know what to say about these... other than that I love them. Both of them. So much. I must own. I don't care that there's no room for a standee of that size... I need it.

    We've also heard rumors that a new theatrical trailer for the film is currently in movie theaters waiting to debut. My guess is that it will drop with The Smurfs on Friday... but only time will tell.

    The Muppet Mindset by Ryan DosierSource URL:
    Visit Jim Henson for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Lorenzo Duran

    Have you seen the intricately craved artworks by the Spanish artist Lorenzo Duran? Under the name Naturayarte, he and his family not only create these lovely little pieces, but use leaves as their medium. Yep, real leaves. I think these pieces are just divine and their frailty and smallness just makes that much more beautiful.

    {all images via the artist's website: Naturayarte}

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

More Pictures from The Muppets on Hollywood Boulevard

    Yesterday we reported on The Muppets filming some reshoots for the movie on Hollywood Boulevard at the El Capitan Theater once again. Well, an actual Muppet fan was on-set to see the filming go down and he snagged some pretty amazing pictures where we can see even more Muppets (Sam Eagle, Dr. Teeth, Janice), more Muppeteers (Matt Vogel, Dave Goelz, Peter Linz), and more more, including a good look at "The Muppet Telethon" poster used at the shoot, seen at left. Below are some of the most awesome pictures, but be sure to follow the link to the photo album and see all the greatness for yourself!

    The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier, ryguy102390@gmail.comSource URL:
    Visit Jim Henson for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

Keepsake Name Prints

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Muppets Shut Down Hollywood Boulevard... Again!

    According to and various other websites, Hollywood Boulevard was closed down last night and part of Saturday for some pick-up filming for The Muppets. It's unclear what exactly there were filming, but the El Capitan Theater marquee had been re-decorated with the signage for "The Muppet Telethon" and in the pictures we can clearly see Jason Segel, Amy Adams, Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Rowlf the Dog, Scooter, Sweetums, and Walter; along with clear shots of Steve Whitmire, Eric Jacobson, Bill Barretta, and David Rudman. Check out some of the great pictures from the shooting below and to mindlessly wonder how this will all fit in to The Muppets when we finally get to see it on November 23rd.

    The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier, ryguy102390@gmail.comSource URL:
    Visit Jim Henson for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

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