Sunday, October 25, 2009

From London!

    I will obviously go into further detail on EVERYTHING once I return to America, but for now, I'm here!! After a long, momentous plane ride full of the Clash, Led Zeppelin, The Brothers Bloom twice, and my nose pressed to the glass of the window as I gaped at the world below -- I arrived at Heathrow! I was detained for unusual reasons, but after much waiting, I was released into the world. I changed into flat shoes because heeled boots were the worst idea, and trucked along the Underground with my suitcase in tow. Three kind men stopped me throughout the morning and asked if they could help, it was MUCH appreciated. Drinks in Leicester Square, where I looked so tired and out of it (jetlag!) that my waiter asked, "Big party last night?" My sister and I played MASH (a la junior high) and I had five hundred fictitious babies with a random passerby. Then more public transportation to where I am staying. I took an eleven hour nap, and now its 7AM and I'm wired. I want to go out and have breakfast and walk along the streets! My sister and our friend whom we are staying with are both passed out still, so obviously that will have to wait. I have no idea what is on the agenda for today, but I do have to buy an adapter for my computer! I also need to make up some sort of itinerary (which I need my computer for!) because I'm far too controlling to have no sense of schedule. Once I figure out my computer madness, I'll be able to at least post non-London related photos for you all :)

    YAAAAYY!!! Now -- to attempt to sleep more, simply because there is nothing else to do. Lovelovelove! xo.

    End of Day Two Update: Went grocery shopping and spent eight pounds on ice cream, creme cheese and crackers, orange juice, muffins, and really yummy chocolate with caramel in the middle. I'm no pro at grocery shopping, so I felt sufficiently successful. I also got an adapter for my computer. Then took the tube all around London. First to Oxford Street, where I gallivanted around TopShop's ENORMOUS flagship store. I bought a skirt and a dress, and they are fucking wonderful. Then to former Sixties mecca, Carnaby Street, where I bought a tank top from American Apparel. It was such a cute little area! Then keeping with the theme of momentous streets, it was off to King's Road. The shops had already closed, and luckily I had had my fill of shopping, but it was fun to walk and conquer it. I had 99p sandwich from the kiosk in one of the stations as my dinner. Now I'm rather exhausted, and ready to sleep! Then its another day of exciting adventures. I looovvveeee it here. Prancing around the streets to the Kinks, the Clash, and The Harder They Come soundtrack. Such fun.

    So yeah, I've been here for... six days, or something? I grew tired to constantly posting, so just expect one (or two, or more?) extravagant posts when I return to America. (November 3rd!) To sum it up simply: Laughs and drinks with foreigners, Abbey Road, Parliament, London Eye, British Music Experience @ the 02, mastering the London Underground and perhaps even inheriting the dreary, nonchalant look the locals have while riding it, and that's just the best of it! I've fallen crazy in love with London Calling, hence why I mentioned the Clash twice already. Ironically, the fact that I'm IN London has nothing to do with it, its just some mystical coincidence. I've been listening to it numerous times a day (no less than two!) and it hits me in an unexpected way each time! I would have never pegged myself to be a Clash person, simply because punk has never been my thing. But London Calling is a brilliant mash-up of punk, ska, pop, soul, reggae, and rockabilly. Its kind of like punk's answer to Exile on Main St. A smooth blend of all things influential. The wild punk gusto remains in tact, but still, you have wonderfully melodic and poignant tunes. Even when its not too chipper, you still want to bob your head and be happy. They are the perfect soundtrack for this trip. Even so, I've also been listening to: Pink Floyd (while walking to Abbey Road, obviously), The Beatles (during and post- Abbey Road, duh), as mentioned The Harder They Come and the Kinks (also perfect!), and Physical Graffiti while stomping past Parliament, which was just surreal. To actually be here is just jarring in a way that I can't yet comprehend. And its only getting better! Until another day full of unfathomable brilliance, I must do homework. Meeeehhh!
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