Tuesday, December 21, 2010

a cappella love

    image via NewTimes

    We've all got our secret television shames/pleasures, right? Well, my latest has been the a cappella show, Sing-Off. It's everything that "American Idol" is not - fun, incredibly earnest, and full of damn talented people who can actually sing (plus Nick Lachey is kinda amazing in his role as host who goes all out with his wall to wall punning). Anyway, the second season is now over (boo!), but watch on Hulu if you get a chance - it'll totally make your heart sing (was that a good one, Nick?)

    Since I am in confession mode and have already shared my love for the show in general...
    This cover of Coldplay's "Fix You" brought tears to my eyes.
    And this group's cover of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" is everything awesome.
    And, yeah, I know, I am a dork.
    Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2010/12/cappella-love.html
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