Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Rain on the Roof" by the Lovin' Spoonful

    I used to listen to this song obsessively, as fall turned to winter. In the morning, the light was blissful and poured into my room abundantly through the vast windows. The chipper nature of the song was utterly fitting and simply the memory elates me. The emotions that accompany the memory are especially vivid. At night, it would delicately rain, as I bundled up with bottomless cups of tea and thick socks. I stayed up 'til all hours of the night, alone, usually writing and lapping up the immense inspiration the weather and John Sebastian provided for me. Solitude, great music, inspiring weather. That life seems so far away now. I miss the windows.

    Luckily, when life seems grim for a bit, it pays you back in spades. More on that very soon xxSource URL:
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