Friday, June 25, 2010


    If you have never heard the Radiolab podcast, you are very, very lucky. Lucky because you are a Radiolab virgin and have hours and hours of old episodes to look forward to, all fresh and funny and interesting and inspiring. I have gone through all of the archived episodes and now have to wait like the rest of the world for new ones, which don't come out nearly as quickly as I and the rest of the world would like.

    One of my favorite Radiolab episodes, "Afterlife," was originally posted last September, and after the episode aired, the hosts continued with a series of short follow up podcasts, all about death and dying and what happens after. The final follow up short was the video, "Moments," by Will Hoffman. But it isn't about death at all. It's about life and the small moments that make it beautiful. You will love it.

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