Sunday, March 7, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "Misty Mountain Hop"

    I keep finding Led Zeppelin photos in my all too large digital photo collection. So, I won't have to resort to a massive stream of solo Page photos just yet.

    "Misty Mountain Hop", Led Zeppelin IV
    How has this not come up yet?! I love "Misty Mountain Hop". With a title boasting such whimsy ("misty", "hop"!), its truly a bouncy and magical piece. JPJ absolutely dominating in a glorious way on the electric piano -- such an enchanting instrument! And oh, the riff that he and JP bring together with such glee. And John Bonham, he's incredible! I simply don't say it enough. He's purely a musical barbarian, providing that miraculous swing. So talented and inspired. In a word: exciting. The entire song is unabashed excitement. Funky and danceable, with such bright and animated lyrics. "They asked us to stay for tea and have some fun." Um, though Robert Plant often spoke of things like squeezing his lemon and pumping your gas, that tea line has always been one of the most sexy and bewitching lines ever. One of my favorites. Maybe not even sexy, because it all sounds so innocent. Playful, that's the word. And I love the guitar harmonizing. Truly, one of my favorite things in music is guitar harmonizing. And with Jimmy Page as my favorite guitarist, there is plenty to excite me.Source URL:
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