Tuesday, March 30, 2010
    So frequently it is dragged on about how your thoughts make your reality, and you know what, I've decided I don't go for it. What you think has little effect on the outcome. What you say has little effect on the outcome. Its what you DO. I agree that a positive outlook is far more productive and beneficial than a negative outlook, but you can't sit on your ass and "think positively" -- that won't make marvelous things happen. And every fear and doubt you think will not come true. Thoughts are a rough draft. You can entertain every positively unfathomable and negatively dreaded thought, but I don't think that means its gonna come to you. Its what you make of them, how you act upon them. The choices you make, the actions you take... THAT is what determines your life. Not your own thoughts. So you know, FUCK the universe. Fuck The Secret and whatever else promotes this wishy washy bullshit. Think wildly, in the privacy of your own mind. I don't think unfortunate situations should be shied away from. They exist. For everyone. Its all about how you deal with things, not how you "think" of them. So even if you somehow managed to drain every negative thought from your brain, things would still spring upon you. Things you didn't think about. You DON'T think of every moment before it happens to you. That eliminates the possibility of miracles. What's lovely is that we're all entitled to think and believe anything we want. Some people desperately believe in this "think and it will come" philosophy, and I tried, and it didn't just didn't jive. And I, like you, have the freedom to not think that way then. I think what brings the positive aspects of life into full view is work to get it. You have to put in effort into things to reap the benefits. I don't believe that you can just think it, and voila! The universe delivers it to you? Bullshit. It sounds nice, fine. But I don't want things that come easily. I want to work for it, earn it. Make it meaningful. Work hard, and build the ability to deal. You have to be able to keep a level head throughout the rough times to get to experience life's glories. And oh, how much you get to experience...

    And another unrelated pet peeve, I hate people who possess too much goddamn self-importance. Your life is your life, you're important, you must keep your own interests at heart and take care of yourself. YES. I totally agree with all that! But that simply puts you on an even keel with others. They watch out for themselves, its all good. All that is SO much different than being a selfish prick and thinking you're above people. UM, NO. I do not care what someone does, how much money they make... I generally believe in being kind and respectful to people. If they're total assholes, then please, do not calmly take that... But never believe you're above anyone. Even when social status looms heavily, especially since people high up the social hierarchy tend to be the biggest assholes. Never turn your nose up to someone whom you know nothing about. Confidence and comfortability WITH YOURSELF, is one thing. Being stuck up and rude towards others is another. General cattiness for the sake of making oneself feel better is something I don't get down with and simply don't understand. I can definitely tease for a joke, but that's an immense sign of affection. As far as genuinely offensive remarks, for the sake of being rude and cruel, I don't do it. It just makes no sense. Why would you intentionally make someone feel bad, or try? Its a sign of insecurity, I think.

    Everything will be up and running soon it seems, so my weird late night ramblings about pet peeves will soon end. But I do like that about blogs... Randomly bitching about something in your own little space because you've got the ability to! All will be back to normal soon, xo.Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2010/03/so-frequently-it-is-dragged-on-about.html
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