Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just a few notes.

    1.) Think positively. Do the best you can. Don't punish yourself when you come up short, just know that you tried and you're smarter because of it. Be productive. Fuck the opinions of others, but value their feelings. Desire knowledge. Be true. Appreciate the good and love yourself, there's nothing more important.



    I'm gonna go with: Most awesome, non-clingy yet loving, amazing, attractive couple that ever was. But don't worry, nobody expects you to be Bogie and Bacall. (And let me point it out before you do, their physical cling in this photo will be pegged on the fact that its a promotional photo..)

    2.) To put it simply, I loathe most couples. Separate, lovely. Together, sickening. Either you get the strange premonition that they truly don't like each other, but stay together for the sake of simplicity, and to avoid the fear of being alone. Or, they feel the gruesome need to thrust what they obviously assume to be adorableness in your face. I won't go as far to say that all couples are this way, because I am not so naive. I'll just say that most everyone I know personally fall into one of the two categories. I think it basically stems from the fact that every woman I know (genuinely, with an exception or two) places SUCH a high value on men, the way men view them, and being with a man -- CONSTANTLY. Ugggh, such an irritating bore. Its nice being liked by someone, yes, and its even nicer when the feeling is mutual. Its squishy, you smile a whole lot, and feel a unique fuzziness. You get to share interesting moments, so many that can only be experienced with one that you enjoy on such a level. But someone, PLEASE, slap me if I ever escalate to the point where this is my main priority, and what I spend my days pondering about. Men HATE when I say these things. One even said to me once, "I feel like my penis just shrunk a few inches." I'm sorry that I don't feel utterly incomplete without a constant male companion? Is that SO unfathomable? Why is it that we are expected to CRAVE and constantly search for this? Damn you Sex and the City. Carrie Bradshaw's life was not glamorous, it was PATHETIC. That bitch should have grown up eons ago. Wrecking decent relationships, being a childish and whiny BITCH, and chasing men who are fucking idiots are not my idea of a great time. And why is it that this is apparently the "right" path to take? How come when I say that I have zero interest in any of these things, dudes are more apt to say, "You're a lesbian." (To protect their fucking masculinity, that's why!) Nope, I just feel perfectly fulfilled without devoting my entire person to someone else. Which leads me back to irritating couples. I am about as far from sexist as one can come, but I'll say it, women are SO much worse with this than men. (Whipped men are really awful though...) But clingy women -- Clingy women, who don't even have a goddamn opinion when a man that sometimes they AREN'T even dating is around. They're like little yes women, agreeing and giggling where they think they should. DENSE. They hold each other back, for fear of not pleasing the other person. Or WORSE, they think they're providing such a positive influence in the person's life, when really they just make for absolutely vile company. And you know, I don't believe that its entirely hopeless. Come on, I'm the eternal optimist! I believe people are wholeheartedly capable of being interesting, intelligent, and lovely to be around. So few are, but the batch of people I truly hold close to my heart are. Its POSSIBLE. Of course, you disagree with most everyone once in a while, but to more often than not cherish their presence is a treat. To conclude this ridiculously fun-to-write rant, let me say that with excruciating couples, overly whipped men, and clingy women aside, I'm down for mutually soaking up awesomeness and having a jolly time! That's what its supposed to be about -- FUN, bringing some good to the life of someone else, making each other happy. But when it isn't that any longer, let it go! Don't cling. Or if you find that you do and they don't, still, DON'T CLING. Its difficult, but don't mercilessly throw yourself at something where you are getting nothing in return. With ANYTHING -- friends included. And lastly, you're fully entitled to opt to not get into something, if the only thing working in its favor is the fear of being alone. Do you really like someone? Do you even know them? Are you putting all of your phony feelings into someone who is a few notches up from a total stranger? Is your own company so TERRIBLE?

    I like to call this photo "Your Balls are Mine". Humor makes clinginess tolerable. But clinging to Bobby G? I have just two words: Boomtown. Rats.

    Probability says that one of these women was a clinger.

    I've actually grown rather fond of the one we call Yoko Ono. My cousin and I were discussing what an awesome friend she'd be. "Hey Yoko, wanna make pancakes?" "Let's go to the park, Yoko." "Yoko! What's up?!" But obviously John's fellow Beatles just didn't endorse clinginess. (Check those faces.)

    3.) "No Quarter" is a mesmerizing song, truly. When I scroll through Led Zeppelin's entire catalog on my iPod, I usually never stop and put on "No Quarter" purposely. Its so thick and moody. Intense and sexy. Thank you, vari-speed. That haunting guitar that accompanies the chorus embodies all of these traits -- its creepy AND sexy. Its so outlandish musically -- its something only Led Zeppelin could do. But its so tastefully crafted. JPJ's undeniable grade-A musicianship is utterly apparent, and so brilliantly showcased. (Bring on the fantasy sequence!) JP's solo is on that same tastefully spellbinding level. They never let themselves get lost in being "trippy" and abandon their musical elegance. (Like so many "spacey" bands do...) And hey, JP brought out the fucking THEREMIN in concert. In a world that I didn't even know what the word "theremin" was, and maybe I didn't even know who "Jimmy Page" was, I saw someone use a theremin, and I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen.Y ou know what I don't like about The Song Remains the Same? Uh, JPJ's haircut (and WIG!), the fact that its so long that I must pace how often I watch it, that Robert Plant is trying to con everyone into looking at his penis, and the fact that its apparently been overdubbed sufficiently. But REALLY, what I was really getting at is the SET LIST. I don't want to hear "Rock and Roll" or "Moby Dick" or "Black Dog" or... You get it. But THANKFULLY, there are saviors like "No Quarter", smiley limo rides to "Bron-Yr-Aur", theremin appearances, "The Rain Song", shitty hurdy gurdy, "Does anyone remember laughter?", 1973 Jimmy Page, and dragon suits galore. Huzzah!

    The photos that made Peter Grant get all rough and rowdy, and say my favorite word "fuck", and my not-so-favorite "cunt".

    WAIT... How could I forget the girl with the blue eye shadow? She's a VITAL part of that film.

    So "Song Remains the Same blue eye shadow" means nothing to Google Images. It gave me this though, which gives a nice enough idea. Its ironically a Yardley Cosmetics ad from '72, which makes so much sense! Obviously '72/'73 was the high time for blue eye shadow. Anyway, said Song Remains the Same dame is a bit more, well, stoned than this lady. She's also in a Jimmy Page trance, heyyy!
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