Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "Candy Store Rock"

    "Candy Store Rock", Presence
    will never, ever be one of my favorite Led Zeppelin records. I went through a "Royal Orleans" phase and I can distinctly remember the first time I heard "Hots On for Nowhere"... But as a complete album? I say, "Meh." Guitar players dig this record, and I respect this record, because it shows that Led Zeppelin can be on a time crunch and running on various substances. There is fire and passion that comes through with this record. Robert Plant was in a wheel chair, anxiety was abundant. So, Presence gets an "A" for effort, especially JP, whom absolutely dominates this record, in a fierce way that you will only find on Presence. "Candy Store Rock" has never gotten me. Its funky, a bit dark, boasts a catchy rhythm. But "Candy Store Rock" isn't a favorite, point blank.Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2010/01/led-zeppelin-day-store-rock.html
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