Saturday, January 30, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "Hots On for Nowhere"

    "Hots On for Nowhere", Presence
    As I said in my "Candy Store Rock" review, I recall the first time I heard "Hots On for Nowhere". I was driving with my father, listening to the radio, when it came on. I'm certain I knew it was Led Zeppelin, but it was my first exposure to the song. I was fairly little. My father exclaimed, "Oh, I love this song!" Up went the volume. I took notice, memorized a lyrics or two -- so I could look it up later, and identify the song's title. It obviously struck me, with its swinging tempo and rare Page-on-Strat use. Though I do remember the lyric I memorized was the one where he speaks of a reindeer, which I found rather odd. I don't listen to "Hots On for Nowhere" much nowadays, but I recall it fondly, for it ties into a time when I began to explore the depth and obscurities of Led Zeppelin's catalog.Source URL:
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