Friday, April 2, 2010

10 things.

    I've been given an award from Lovely Leti -- always a treat! Ten things that make me happy:


    Bumby returns from Tokyo soon, and I'm desperately awaiting her arrival.

    Breakfast, a book, sunshine

    Every morning, I squirm in bed a bit -- stretch, making absurd noises, and lap up my drowsy nature, as well as the rare silence. Then I roll over, put on an apt first song of the day, scamper out of bed, feed my kitties and give them water, eat my own breakfast. I sit with my book and quietly relax, as I wake up. My room is quite literally entirely windows, so the sun shines in brightly. Its a happy way to start the day.


    I love adoring a cover of a song, then discovering the original. I feel its a vital part of the listening experience.


    Airplanes excite me wildly. I enjoy contently sitting, peering out the window into the vast sky of blue with cotton candy clouds. I enjoy having a bevvy of hosts at my call. I enjoy the fact that an airplanes symbolizes that you're going somewhere! I'm odd, and I even like turbulence. I really find it very exciting. Its like a ride! I don't get concerned unless the flight attendants have to strap in -- which is rare. Traveling is one of my favorite things and airplanes are synonymous with travel.

    The library

    Besides new cities, Disneyland, and a mesmerizing record store, libraries are the most dazzling place to me. The smell of old books and all of it at your fingertips. I'm constantly reading, and watching films too, and the library stretches my imagination more than anything else. I find libraries absolutely enchanting.


    I feel admiration for words isn't expressed enough. They are our main form of communication, and a magical art form. Of course, with literature, journalism, lyricism, et cetera -- but its also a rare art form that gets to be expressed daily. We're constantly using words, and they can be used beautifully, even when not presented as a typical art form.


    Strangers are intriguing. Few things make me hole up more than a flock of strangers. I wouldn't say they intimidate me, but I'm wildly observant. Strangers are bubbling with new observations. More so than frightening, strangers are captivating. I observe closely, and decide which strangers I'd like to know, but each one holds my attention intently. I love conversing with strangers -- granted, they usually have to strike it up. Though when its nothing but strangers, I thrive. There's something to being surrounded by no one you know... Everything is new.

    Unusual instruments

    I've been told numerous times, by many guitar slinging males, to pick up a guitar. But the guitar is too boring to be played. I can listen to it and be endlessly spellbound, but to play? A bore. If I were to ever pocket the patience to play an instrument, I'd go for something wild. Something that provokes a response. If a guitar, a twelve string guitar! Or perhaps, a steel guitar! A banjo, a mandolin, a dulcimer -- anything random and slightly obscure, that still has the ability to captivate me. Each of those instruments are sprinkled all over my favorite records, but they're a bit rare and unexpected.

    Full albums

    In present times, full albums are so watered down. Do people even value complete albums anymore? Its so rare for an album to be great from start to finish, and I feel like people don't even try to achieve that. Hit singles are so frivolous. I think most music lovers would agree that once you fall in love with an album, your favorite song isn't the hit single. The best albums are the ones without hit singles. They're more mysterious, elusive, and usually sound better. Off the top of my head, I think of Exile on Main St, though "Tumbling Dice" has sort of become an enduring classic. To the extreme, Jeff Beck. A mastermind of great records, start to finish, and never gave a fuck about hit singles. I adore. I don't really like albums that are crafted so that every song is a hit, like Thriller. I think, in the end, it takes away from the album -- such a consistently radio orientated sound. The best artists are the ones who just don't care what the public will think. There's strength in that.

    Doing it

    Dreaming is one of my main hobbies. I've got a mystical imagination, which is constantly scheming and dreaming. Its AWESOME. Trust me. I've gone through fits where I feel like I dream up everything too much, too high. But fuck that! As long you keep your feet deeply planted in reality, then your head is free to soar as far and wide as you'd like. It is possible to balance the two. But as amazing as all that is, the best is DOING IT. I don't let my imagination roam for the sake of doing it, its all just elaborate planning. Everything is possible. Every dream, every miracle. I believe this so truly. And I'm fully prepared for life to send me through all sorts of spirals and unexpected twists. I'm ready to whirl through it all. I'm simply setting the bar. I love that something wild awaits us at every turn. I'm aware that life presents with new opportunities, that old ones turn out to be less than ideal. I get that. But I also know that nothing is wiser than your intuition, your instincts. Bringing the whimsical thoughts of your head, down to where your feet are, its the most electrifying sensation. Its already happening. I talk as if it hasn't started yet. It all has. Spirals, miracles, surprises, twists, from dreams to reality -- life began a long time ago! And I'm just keeping on that crazy path, led by my dreams and ready for miracles.Source URL:
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