Friday, April 30, 2010

"Clash City Rockers" by the Clash

    "Clash City Rockers", The Clash, The Clash
    When I listen to "Clash City Rockers" words like brilliant, mystical, and dynamic do not come to mind, as they did with nearly every Led Zeppelin song I reviewed. But it brings something different to the table - this relentless fury and power, which nobody articulates like the Clash did. Though I use words like fury and power, I resist using the word anger. Sure, the Clash got angry... Just listen to the way Joe Strummer nearly spits the lyrics at you, with a bit of disgust and bouts of angst. But they were also the guys who said, "Let fury have the hour. Anger can be power. You know that you can use it?" "Clash City Rockers" encourages one to get up! Move forward! Move the town to the Clash City Rockers! Don't accept defeat, keep going!

    For the most part, the dominating in-your-face riffs of the Clash's first album aren't my favorite sounds from the band. They are riffs that have been done a hundred times over, but the Clash do put their spin on it. Mick Jones is already on it with his punctuating backing vocals, which were continuous perks to Clash records until Jones was sacked. Everything is already being churned out with intensity, as the notes from each instrument resonate with the sheer impact of a punch in the face. Nothing magnificent is going on technically (Jones' solo is very early George Harrison - a fledgling), but its exciting! You don't need endless skill to produce something thrilling. My favorite part comes as the guitar slithers towards the end. The sound is rude and scathing - as they declare, "Rock! Rock! Clash city rockers!" That's always been the savior of "Clash City Rockers" for me. That's what made it stand out and enjoy heavy rotation in my realm.Source URL:
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