Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "Rock and Roll"

    An extended apology for being such an awful blogger as of late. I've been so busy! School, social life, transcribing interviews, preparing questions for interviews, with writing and sleep squeezed in there somewhere. By summer, I swear I'll be the most diligent blogger ever! But I'm not sure how rocky it'll be until then, just bare with me, because I genuinely adore doing this. I could stomp out these daily reviews with ease, but I like to take my time, which I don't have much of these days. But I am blogging now, so everything's alright! And for the record, I worship everything I've got my toes in lately. Mildly hectic, but all worth it.

    "Rock and Roll", Led Zeppelin IV
    "Rock and Roll" immediately calls to mind a mental image of the band ferociously stomping about the stage at Madison Square Garden. Its another tune which for a long while, I loathed and ignored. Its actually a pretty exciting number. An intoxicating throwback to the much-adored tunes of the fifties. John Bonham delightfully pays tribute to the late, great Earl Palmer - underrated drumming maestro, who blistered through countless classics. My favorite feat though, is Ian Stewart's glorious boogie woogie piano! I find Page's guitar pretty standard - driving and compelling, but standard. Ian Stewart gives the track a light swing, a lilt you have to stop to hear. But doesn't it just sound delicious? They also collaborated on "Boogie with Stu", but I'll side with "Rock and Roll" as the better track.

    Seriously seven songs left... KEEP TRUCKING!

    Oh! Forgot to mention that I did find time to see Jeff Beck at the Nokia Theatre on Saturday with my dad. He dazzled me, as I'm sure you can guess, and now I have to find the time to pen my review! But note to self: bring a notebook next time. I foolishly reached for my notebook, and thought, "If its important, I'll remember it." I sat, utterly inspired, with the sentences writing themselves. It was all so quick that its difficult to remember it all! But anyway, look out for that. xxSource URL:
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