Saturday, April 17, 2010

twelve year old logic.

    "stop thinking you are so special and everything is about you. chances are nothing is. if something is about you that person should have the guts to say it is and not beat around the bush.
    hold your tongue cause i doubt anyone cares about what you have to say. think before you speak.
    don't play things off like you're nice. if you're a jerk, take pride in it. it can be the most beautiful quality in a person. you just need to know when to turn it off.
    don't make anyone feel guilty. it gets you nowhere because in the end they just feel bad for that second. they are over it soon enough and still don't genuinely like you.
    we live in a society where we are forced to live up to unrealistic expectations. stop trying to be something you will never be.
    don't regret and don't look back. you'll think everything you've ever done is dumb after you have over analyzed it enough.
    you always want to be what you aren't. become what you really should be.
    you have to recognize your flaws and see how you can fix them.
    if you want something but never do anything about it, you'll never get it. sorry to state the obvious, but it seems it slip way too many minds.
    make the best of whatever you have. if those things you feel are not good enough were taken away, you might have a hard time living.
    learn from every mistake.
    leave anyone who's not with you behind.
    go after what you want.
    eyes open all the time. always learn and always teach.
    only give people one chance. two will turn into three, and three will turn into you forever being stepped on by them.
    wonder everyday. wonder how much everything is worth. reevaluate your life everyday. prioritize. always remember there is more out there, and enough options to never do what you are not comfortable doing." 

    I fancied myself as quite a worldly cookie at the age of twelve.Source URL:
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