Monday, April 26, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "Royal Orleans" + FIN

    "Royal Orleans", Presence
    As the story goes, John Paul Jones picked up a lady friend - or so he thought! Lady friend was actually a dude lady, and shazam, tranny in JPJ's hotel room! JPJ and Dude Lady smoke a doobie, fall asleep with said doobie still lit, and the room goes up in flames. Don't say JPJ didn't know how to party. John Paul Jones claims he knew Lady was a Dude and they were hangin' like friends. And that the whole misinterpretation of sexes happened to someone else, elsewhere in the world. Well, okay. Whether or not John Paul Jones thought he was getting lucky, but then, you know, didn't, is of no importance. He still set a hotel room alight in the Royal Orleans hotel in New Orleans, hence the title. The song itself is fun and funky, with Page providing those riffs worthy of a James Brown record, and Bonham providing a light swing with bongos. Page's solo is fleeting but exciting. I don't rank this as one of my all time favorites, but its good enough.

    And what? We're done? Well yeah, basically. I technically didn't review "The Ocean", "Ten Years Gone", "In the Light", and "Tangerine" with this project, but I did review them here. This was fun, wasn't it? Thank you to everyone who emailed saying they liked it throughout xxSource URL:
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