Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"This is Not a Polo Shirt"

    Of course "Band of Outsiders" is nodding to Magritte's famous work, "This is not a pipe," in the naming of their line of polo shirts for men, but I think their best selling strategy is to continue to post to their website classic and fun images of polo shirts in action:

    (Please note that I've taken liberties in the naming of these images because, well, because I guess I can).

    The 40s Dancing Polo:

    The 80s Painting Polo:

    The Angry Man's Polo:

    The Angsty Boy's Polo:

    The Blue Jeaned Dad Polo:

    The Blue Blooded Dad Polo:

    The Over-Grown Kid Polo (with ironic half popped collar):

    The Under-Grown Kid Polo (with earnest fully popped collar):

    {all images found on "This is not a polo shirt"}

    P.S. For those of you with wicked crushes on Jason Schwartzman (I'm looking at you, Bootsie!) - how cute are these images of the actor on the "Band of Outsiders" regular website?

    Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2010/04/is-not-polo-shirt.html
    Visit Jim Henson for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection

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