Saturday, April 17, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "I Can't Quit You Baby"

    Out of exquisite group shots, so here's Jimmy Page in a chunky scarf!

    "I Can't Quit You Baby", Led Zeppelin
    Another bluesy scorcher which has never done a single thing for me. Perhaps as an Otis Rush devotee, I'd just rather listen to the original. Led Zeppelin's version lacks the explosive energy they typically brought the standard licks and grooves. They don't bring any fire or zest into the performance. Its just a bit boring. Wikipedia says this of the tune, "[It] ends up as one of the most successful pieces on the first album, with no flat spots and a perfectly symmetrical form, all within the classic blues tradition." I guess that's why I don't like it. It lacks the brilliantly eccentric and spontaneous flair of Zeppelin. It plays it too safe within the realms of "classic blues tradition". Live versions occasionally flirted with this energy, but overall, I simply don't dig this track.Source URL:
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