Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "The Battle of Evermore"

    "The Battle of Evermore", Led Zeppelin IV
    "The Battle of Evermore" is strange, because for the longest time, I had no taste for it. I didn't dislike it, I just didn't really know it, nor did I care to. Then somewhere along the way, during one of many times that my speakers broke, I was stuck with my CD collection. I began listening to IV all the way through, no breaks, like its supposed to be. That's when I began to love "The Battle of Evermore", as I still do. To a lesser extent than the usual pairings, "The Battle of Evermore" is a partner of "Going to California", in my mind and on playlists alike. I've discussed my lovelovelove for the mandolin, and here it is, in full effect! JP had apparently never played before, picked up JPJ's mandolin, and voila... "The Battle of Evermore"! I love that they recruited Sandy Denny, the only person outside of Led Zeppelin to have a symbol on the album. Its a really good, beautifully executed song. Maybe the mandolin and Celtic vibes were too much for me in the beginning? Live, JPJ would do the Sandy Denny part, which is hilarious to watch.Source URL:
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