Thursday, February 18, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "You Shook Me"

    "You Shook Me", Led Zeppelin
    Nothing. No dippy memories of grooving to "You Shook Me". No shattering moment of discovery. And that's what makes everything fun! The emotion. Emotion is the most important part of music, the whole process -- creating, listening, writing. "You Shook Me" is certainly a staggering track, it just has never provoked said emotions within me. "You Shook Me" began as blues number, penned by Willie Dixon, and performed by Muddy Waters. With Led Zeppelin's version, its again that classic case of being gloriously awed by their immediate action. So quickly they had their act together! JPJ is on electric piano, bass, and organ, but I must say the organ solo sounds a little dated. Like something off a Zombies record. But the use of backwards echo on Robert Plant's vocals and JP's guitar is utterly effective. The call-and-response effect towards the end is a bit fun. But eh, what can I say? I've never favored "You Shook Me".Source URL:
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