Saturday, February 6, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "The Lemon Song"

    Highlight of this photo: the heart patch on JPJ's jeans.

    "The Lemon Song", Led Zeppelin II
    Oh, "The Lemon Song". How Led Zeppelin II is certainly one of the sexiest albums of all time... Firstly, JPJ! Such spectacular bass playing, and all improvised! No slouches in this band. While JPJ is showcasing his funk influences, Jimmy is drenched in the blues. This tune borrows heavily from blues luminaries Howlin' Wolf ("Killing Floor") and Robert Johnson ("Travelling Riverside Blues" which also provoked Led Zeppelin to perform an eponymous tribute), namely on the lyrical front. This song is exciting, for it goes so many places. It speeds up, it breaks down, it comes right back up to speed. Jimmy subtly (and sometimes not so) changes drastically throughout the entire song. Each member is delightfully showcased. And... Those aforementioned lyrics. While Led Zeppelin isn't granted full credit, they do get points for modernizing it and putting their musically raunchy spin on it.Source URL:
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