Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "Going to California" + "Celebration Day"

     Beards can be classy, not grungy. Don't JP and RP look like they might just attend Hogwarts?

    "Going to California", Led Zeppelin IV
    One of my absolute favorites. So unsurprisingly, I've already immortalized my lust in words. Read my girlish gawking here.

    "Celebration Day", Led Zeppelin III
    Mmm, sweet "Celebration Day". Gripping, addicting, sultry, and wild. Gloooorious. "Celebration Day" reminds me of my dad. He is technologically illiterate, so when need be, I handle his iPod business. As we scrolled through Led Zeppelin's catalog, I took on the role of a used cars salesman. "What about this one?!" He turned down my beloved "Ten Years Gone", because he "doesn't have a lot of mellow stuff" on his iPod. But "Celebration Day", he jumped at. "What is this one called again?" This is the man who deems The Song Remains the Same LP his desert island disc. "Celebration Day" lovin' is hereditary, apparently. I adore that the Moog from "Friends" is dragged over. This wasn't intentional! An engineer accidentally erased John Bonham's drum track in the beginning, so they salvaged the track by bringing over that moody interlude. A perfect mistake. The entire song is deliciously enticing, using those hypnotic riffs to put one in a trance. There's so much going on, and JP is thriving. The album version is wondrous, and the live version is even better. Featured on The Song Remains the Same LP, but not in the film (though recent issues have a performance as a special feature -- go, go go!) Their spontaneous live prowess is spellbinding.Source URL: https://jimhensons.blogspot.com/2010/02/led-zeppelin-day-to-california-day.html
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