Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Led Zeppelin-a-Day: "The Rover"

    "The Rover", Physical Graffiti
    I got into "The Rover" when I got into "Custard Pie". Do you ever do that? When songs are buddies, and are forever hand-in-hand? "That's the Way" and "Tangerine", "The Rover and Custard Pie". I never really, really loved either of these songs. A bunk phase, and that's why Physical Graffiti disc one is far less superior to disc two. Though JP's solo is quite commanding, it isn't his best. Overall, nay Rover, nay. When I first acquired this song, I thought it was a demo or something. It sounded amateurish to me. It still does. I don't loathe it, I don't love it. Its just there, blah, filler.Source URL:
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