Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    Obviously its awesome to have genuinely talented, relevant, intriguing subjects on the cover of Rolling Stone -- an incredibly rare feat these days, it appears. But Eric Clapton, oh, Eric Clapton. For some reason, his appearance sends me to a fit of giggles every time I see him! First, it was the LG commercial that is airing constantly. He looks like a little old lady... Then, I saw these photos, which only reaffirmed his granny-ness. And now, this cover! Its the goddamn GLASSES and the sweater... I can't decide if I'm being cruel, after all, he is of granny age. But look at Jeff Beck! He's totally retained his style, still looking supremely cool even when his youth has weaned. And maybe I'm a little biased, because JB is also supremely cool musically. EC is, as John Lennon would say (of Paul McCartney, but relevant here), "granny shit". He seems nice, albeit a little boring... Still, its nice that just by playing shows together, they scored the cover. Has Jeff Beck ever been on the cover of Rolling Stone? He must have been! Its researchin' time...


    October 1972: Beck is Back!Source URL:
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